12 Jul 2013

CFSS Students' Prestige in Worldwide Software Games in Washington D.C., USA.

Chan Joyce Yee Jing and Cheung Yee Man, both from our S.5, were nominated to represent Hong Kong in the Final Game of MOS and Adobe Photoshop ACA Worldwide Championship respectively at Washington D.C., USA last week. The 2013 Certiport Worldwide Competition on Microsoft Office attracted more than 344,000 unique candidates from 90 countries who competed to demonstrate their mastery of Microsoft Office products. Beating the other 98 finalists in the final round of competition and winning the 2nd place, Joyce received a US$2,500 scholarship for her excellent performance in Excel 2010. The first annual Adobe Photoshop ACA World Championship attracted 59,000 entries in total. During the Championship Round, contestants were assigned a poster design challenge from the Global Fund for Children to which they responded using Adobe Photoshop software. Students were judged on their creativity, Photoshop skills, ability to follow instructions, communication with clients, etc. Yee Man is the 10th place winner in this competition.

  • 港澳隊伍出發到美國首都華盛頓參加全球技能大賽

  • 港澳隊伍出發到美國首都華盛頓參加全球技能大賽

  • 張綺旻同學與來自不同地區的參賽者分享感受

  • 陳怡晶和張綺旻同學與來自不同地區的參賽者分享感受

  • 陳怡晶和張綺旻同學到華盛頓國會山莊遊覽,增廣見聞

  • 陳怡晶和張綺旻同學到林肯紀念堂遊覽,增廣見聞

  • 大會宣佈陳怡晶在微軟Excel 2010 組別中得到全球亞軍榮譽

  • 陳怡晶在大會手上取得價值2,500 美元的獎學金及獎狀

  • 微軟Excel 2010 組別中得到全球冠、亞和季軍榮譽的得獎者合照

  • 大會宣佈張綺旻在Adobe Photoshop 組別中得到全球第十名榮譽

  • 張綺旻與她的比賽作品合照

  • 陳怡晶和張綺旻同學合照