28 Oct 2013

Vote “Ruby”: Saving Our Chinese White Dolphin

"Vote Ruby" is launched by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (HK). The Chinese White Dolphin is a symbol of Hong Kong's neglect for the environment. Over the years, habitat degradation from coastal development, vessel disturbance from high speed ferries, and water pollution from dredging and dumping activities in western waters have contributed to a significant decline in their numbers. If no remedy is taken, the Dolphin will come to demise in the world. Our Green Gurus have stood at the school entrance for two consecutive early mornings to raise students' awareness on pollution problems in marine habitats. 377 signatures from teachers and students have been collected, and they have promised to support Ruby and marine ecology conservation. WWF(HK) would like to collect 100,000 signatures from the territory. Please visit http://voteruby.hk/index_tc.php and vote to support Ruby.

  • Green Gurus initializing the iPads in the early morning

  • Support acts including browsing the informative website on dolphins and giving a signature

  • Our Head Prefect Bertha Chan (S.5B) successfully collecting the first signature

  • Another junior student coming to support Ruby

  • As time goes by, dozens of students joining in the supporting team

  • Students interested in knowing more about Ruby

  • Green Gurus promoting the campaign in the Hall Assembly

  • Our Principal greatly supporting our campaign

  • Principal and Dr. Lau persuading you to join in

  • Many students promising to promote green messages

  • Natalie Chu (S.5C) explaining the campaign to Mrs Bodomo

  • Miss Leung, Ms Ma and Vicky Kwok delighted with their support action