Championship in Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award
Our Team Members Chak Man Him (4B), Fung Hing Lun (4A), Li Yik Hin Nigel (3A) and Leung Lok Ming Arnold (3A) literally fought their way through and finally got the championship in the 2012/13 Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award on 25th May. Their Supervisors, Dr. Chan Pik Ying and Mr. Ho Chun Man, got their well-deserved Best Coach Award. After a hundred schools’ participation in the Heats (Science Knowledge Quiz), where Chak Man Him and Li Yik Hin Nigel won the 1st and 2nd Class Honour certificates respectively, the team entered into the Quarter-final along with 29 other school teams, each of which had to select one authentic problem and submit a proposal to solve the problem.
The team succeeded along with 10 others in the Semi-final when members defended their proposals by answering questions from the adjudicators. Eventually, 6 teams competed in the Final. Each team had to submit beforehand reports of the proposal and an Interview with Scientists. During the Final at Queen's College, the contestants in turn presented two 5-minute reports on their work and answered questions raised by the adjudicators for another 15 and 5 minutes respectively for the proposal and the interview. This is perhaps the toughest competition of its kind. We congratulate our team, Dr. Chan and Mr. Ho for their achievements, while highly appreciating their endurance and perseverance.