24 Feb 2022

Online Lecture on “Food Security and Bio-Energy”

14 CFSS teachers and students participated in the Online Lecture on “Food Security and Bio-Energy” organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 24 February 2022 (Thu). The guest speaker of the lecture was Prof. Lam Hon Ming, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences of CUHK, Director of the Molecular Biotechnology Program and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology of CUHK. In the online lecture, Prof. Lam introduced various factors affecting food security, its current situation in China and the relevant coping strategies. He then made a preliminary discussion on the development of Bio-Energy in the motherland. This allowed students to understand more on the technological development of plant-based biofuels. His inspiring lecture had earned a lot of questions raised by our students. All our teacher and student participants had learnt a lot from the online lecture.

  • Online Lecture on “Food Security and Bio-Energy”

  • Professor Hon-Ming Lam is a renowned scientist specializing in genomic and functional genomic studies of soybeans.

  • Professor Lam shared his passion for the research, the importance of environmental and growth sustainability in agriculture of China.

  • The science and philosophy of the Chinese character for “Food” in the perspective of Professor Lam.