25 Sep 2014

English Speaking Day I

On 25 Sep 2014, our school’s Language Enhancement Team held the first English Speaking Day (ESD). ESD is a whole-school approach and it aims to raise students’ awareness of using English in school and create a rich English speaking environment.  A total of seven ESDs have been planned this year. There are several activities, which are organized by the English Department, can be found in ESDs, for instance, English Game Booths, English Karaoke, English Café and NET lunch-time programme. This year, ESD slogan ‘Speak! Feel! Enjoy English!’ was designed by our student Carlos Lee (3B). Here are the highlights of the 1st ESD:

  • Slogan of English Speaking Day “Speak! Feel! Enjoy English!”

  • Our English Language Captains helping out around the campus.

  • Lunch-time English Café.

  • English Karaoke, Let’s sing in English!

  • Lunch-time English Café.

  • Participants taking a group photo in the English Café.