24 Jan 2015

PTA and Teachers Join Hands to Promote Environmental Protection Awareness

CFSS has been participating in the “One Person, One Flower Scheme” under the Green Hong Kong Campaign (Leisure and Cultural Services Department) for years. This year, the CFSS Sustainable Development (SD) Team and Parent– Teacher Association joined hands to promote this green concept to families by organizing the “One Family, One Pot Activity”.

Mr. Tong Man Chung from the SD Team distributed seedlings of Lemmon’s Marigold to participants, and elaborated on the techniques in planning and planting. Lemmon’s Marigold is supposed to blossom in 3 to 4 weeks. Hopefully, it can decorate homes prettily during Lunar New Year.

  • Mr. Tong demonstrating how to plant the seedling

  • Parents, teachers and students making their own pots

  • Parents, teachers and students making their own pots

  • Group photo