12 Mar 2015

PBL Hall Presentation Day 14/15

PBL Hall Presentation Day 14/15 was successfully held on 12th March. Themed "Care for the World" this year, it was a whole-day event, with all twenty-five PBL groups delivering presentations on their projects, sharing their new discoveries with parents, teachers and their S.2 schoolmates. Students demonstrated high level of confidence, collaboration and presentation skills on stage along with their thorough understanding of their research work. A number of parents attended the event to show their support and encouragement to their children as well as the S.2 students.

The twenty-five project groups carried out investigations into solutions to health and environmental issues (such as the use of natural resources in replacement of chemicals to make hair dye and the use of banana peels or used cooking oil to generate energy sources), as well as projects on humanities topics (such as the study on Hong Kong Geopark, food waste management and organic vegetables). Dr Lau Kai-shui and Ms Chan Hoi-kei demanded students' immediate oral defence on their projects by asking challenging questions to the groups.

This year, project groups' efforts were acknowledged on various categories. The champion of Best Project Award, as well as Best Presentation and Best Science Award is group A4, 'Going bananas for bioethanol…peeling away at sustainability'. The champion of Humanities category and first runner-up of Best Project Award is group E4, 'Vegetables labelled as 'organic': really better and worthy?'. Groups D1 and A1 were awarded the second runner-up and the third runner-up of Best Project Award. Detailed results are as follows:

Best Presentation Award 最佳簡報獎
A4組 Going bananas for bioethanol…peeling away at sustainability

Best Science Award 最佳研習獎 (科學)
A4組 Going bananas for bioethanol…peeling away at sustainability

Best Humanities Award最佳研習獎 (人文學)
E4組 Vegetables labelled as 'organic': really better and worthy?

Best Project 最佳專題研習獎
1st Place Grand Award (Project of the Year) 總冠軍
A4組 Going bananas for bioethanol…peeling away at sustainability

2nd Place Grand Award第二名
B3組 Vegetables labelled as 'organic': really better and worthy?

3rd Place Grand Award第三名
D1組 Cooking Oil Reborn

4th Place Grand Award 第四名
A1組 Effectiveness of Natural Hair Dye

Merits 優異獎
A3組 Acetone no way! Alternatives for nail polish remover
C3組 A study of food waste management in Hong Kong
D3組 To study how cultural tourism helps promoting sustainable tourism development through the case of Wan Chai District
D5組 Hong Kong Geopark: Risks and Opportunities
E2組 A Case Study on the Conservation of Romer's Tree Frogs
E5組 Anti-oxidizing Legend of Green Tea

Best Presenters 最佳演譯者獎

A3組 Cheng Tsz Tung鄭梓桐
A3組 Kwok Hiu Lam Natalie郭曉霖
A3組 Wong Wang Sing Carson王宏升
A4組 Setiadharma Karin羅育靖
A5組 Chow King Fun鄒景勳
A5組 Zhou Guanqun周冠群
D2組 Davison Audrey Georgina戴茜茵
D5組 Li Hin Yuet李衍悅
E2組 Kwok Audrey郭逸曼
E3組 Lai Courtney Ilsa黎天朗

  • The MCs of the Hall Presentation Day (morning session), Graduates of 2013 Class, Helen Yu (left) and Niki Tsui (right)

  • The MCs of the Hall Presentation Day (afternoon session), Graduates of 2013 Class, Kathy Tsui (left) and Niki Tsui (right) being presented a certificate of acknowledgement as Voluntary MC of Hall Presentation Day by Principal Mr Au

  • The panel of adjudicators

  • Students on stage demonstrating their confidence and presentation skill

  • Students working as a group in their presentations

  • Students responding to questions from adjudicators in Question-and-Answer Session

  • Principal Mr Au commenting on students’ performance and introducing grand prizes to the audience

  • The Ten Best Presenters

  • Merit Award: Group D3

  • Merit Award: Group A3 and their supervisor Ms Li Shin Chee

  • Merit Award: Group C3

  • Merit Award: Group D5

  • Merit Award: Group E2 and their supervisor Ms Li Wing Yan Teresa

  • Merit Award: Group E5

  • 4th Place Grand Award: Group A1

  • 3rd Place Grand Award: Group D1

  • Group E4 won the 2nd Place Grand Award and Best Humanities Award

  • Group A4, champion of Best Project (1st Place Grand Award), Best Presentation Award and Best Science Award

  • Group A4 with their supervisor Ms Leung Yue Shan Jennifer (middle), principals and teachers