12 Dec 2012

Global conference call via SKYPE with FLL/FTC Counterparts in USA, China and Hong Kong

On 12 December, we held a global conference call via SKYPE with our FLL/FTC counterparts in USA, China and Hong Kong for an hour.


Altogether, 7 teams participated in the conference. They are The Chinese Foundation Secondary School (Hong Kong), Carmel Secondary School (Hong Kong), Beijing 2nd Secondary School (China), Niulanshan Secondary School (China), FLL 41 Legocy (Maryland, US), FLL 7585 Company of Senior Investigators (Maryland, US) and FTC 7: Voltage Vipers (Maryland, US)


We shared with all teams after the FLL/FTC competition. The difficulties encountered and suggestion received were precious experience.

  • Skype Call with 6 different teams in USA, China and Hong Kong

  • Beijing 2nd Secondary School showing how their robot works

  • Teams in areas showing how their robots work